Resolutions spelled out with scrabble letters on denim blue background

How to keep your New Year’s resolutions for 2020

2020 has started which means everyone is starting their New Year’s resolutions. However, some people don’t know how to keep their resolution past the month of January. Are you one of these people? No worries because we are here to teach you how to keep your New Year’s resolutions for 2020.

Make your resolution a lifestyle

  1. large calendar with 18 circled in red markerKeep it simple. Instead of trying to tackle several goals, pick only one or two. If you focus on your top one or two goals, you’re more likely to stick to them until they become a lifestyle.
  2. Pick a realistic goal. If you make the goal too hard to reach, it’ll be harder to stick to the resolution. Set up short-term goals that will help you meet the long-term goal.
  3. Give yourself treats. Instead of constantly restricting yourself, or working without play, allow yourself to have rewards. Pick milestone marks to determine when to get these rewards. Be sure not to pick such a large reward that you give up on your goal.
  4. Realize that there will be slip-ups and setbacks. Nobody is perfect so you’re bound to have a slip-up or setback at some point. Instead of letting it become an excuse to give up, remember that you are human and get back on track.
  5. Have a support system. Although putting yourself in charge will keep you accountable in meeting your goals, it’s good to have a support system. Tell friends and family about your goal so that when you feel discouraged, they can help bring back your confidence and resilience.

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